Our Story

Installation view, Jimmy McCaffrey: The Bay Area Contemporary Art Show, May 5 – Jun 25, 2023, The smArt Collective, San Francisco © Andrea Careaga

In the year 2021, The smArt Collective was created as a response to the COVID pandemic. This was during a time when many art institutions began closing and the competition for work amongst artists and art professionals was rising. With the arts already being considered a competitive field, The smArt Collective began as a means to navigate the economic hit the art world had taken by bringing artists, art professionals, and supporters together to work as a wide-ranging collective network, providing opportunities for one another.

Originally from Los Angeles, The smArt Collective moved operations after its initial year to San Francisco, choosing to acclimate its roots in the Bay Area. There was an underlining prevailing attitude fitting to the nature of the collective found in the Bay Area art scene, expressed through an unspoken understanding that success came from working collaboratively. This could be best seen throughout the Bay Area with the numerous group exhibitions taking place, the diversity of mediums and local artists being highlighted, the various innovative public art projects being proposed, cutting edge contemporary art shows being hosted by leading institutions and organizations. It is in this spirit that The smArt Collective thrives in and operates. 

Although the collective is California based, the network has extended its connections nationwide and internationally, having worked with artists, art professionals, and supporters from around the world in regards to but not limited to independently organized exhibitions, events, publishing, art sales, and consultations to some capacity. The smArt Collective continues to be an ever-growing network without borders, bringing quality while remaining accessible in our artistic endeavors.